Songwriter’s Workshop
Sunday, February 20, 2011
1PM - 5PM
$10 cash at the door
RVSVP to Susan Tucker
Nashville publisher and author, Susan Tucker and independent producer Kim Copeland will share some valuable information about the business of songwriting and the recording industry. Kim will talk not only about the quality of demos that the hit songwriters are pitching, but will give you ideas on how to get as close to pro quality as your budget will allow. And to give you an insiderʼs view on what A&R and producers look for in songs, Kim will also share her process in looking for the "right" songs for an artistʼs album.
Susan Tucker will share her insights and experiences in pitching songs to the Nashville market. She will answer your questions about songpluggers, pitching, demos and song contracts. They will also critique your song and offer helpful suggestions to help you get the most from your songwriting and artistry.
Sponsored by Dallas Songwriters Association
and the Collin County Songwriters Association
Love and War in Plano -
601 E. Plano Pkwy
(NE Intersection of US75 Central Expressway)
Plano, TX Thanks to Roger Russell for coordinating the place.
Kim Copeland is an experienced producer who has worked with countless artists in multiple genres. She both involves the artist in the process so their vision is realized, as well as handling the fine points of the recording process so the artist can focus on being - well, the artist!
Susan Tucker is the force behind Sage House Music in Nashville, and has authored two books on songwriting, “The Soul of a Writer” and “The Secrets of Songwriting”. She Partners with Kim Copeland Productions in the management and marketing behind emerging artist Rachel Williams and other talented songwriters and recording artists. She publishes a weekly e-zine called “The Songwriter' s Connection”.