Monday, January 30, 2012

Hash Brown Blues Workshop, Saturday March 3

Photo of Hash BrownFamed Dallas Bluesman, Hash Brown, will be doing a new 3 hour workshop on Songwriting and The Blues on Saturday March 3, 1012.  This is a can't miss event for any songwriter that would like an introduction to the blues or wants to learn more about writing blues style songs.  It will be an interactive workshop so bring an acoustic guitar too!

Hash Brown has been fronting the Hash Brown Band and the Browntones, playing guitar and harmonica and wri
ting songs for over 35 years.  He has also been featured on guitar and harmonica both on stage and in the studio with many other local and national blues artists such as ZuZu Bollin, Robert Ealey, Big Al Dupree, Willie WIllis, Barbara Lynn and Henry Qualls.    But he is perhaps best known as the premier Blues Jam master in Dallas/Fort Worth.  He has hosted Blues Jams all over the metroplex for over 27 years and is known for giving generously of his time and helping hundreds of young musicians who are just starting out at his jams.  Hash Brown is a very accomplished songwriter with numerous original tunes on his CDs and an uncanny ability to come up with blues songs "on the fly" as he is performing.  He is also a master of all styles of blues guitar, from Mississippi country blues to all the Kings, (Freddie, Albert, B.B.),   His workshop will be a real treat as he injects his combination of humor and musical knowledge into the program.  It will include a history of the blues, blues songwriting styles and techniques and styles, blues guitar styles and techniques, plus a breakout session where attendees can start writing their own blues tunes.

The workshop location is Ziggy's Tavern located at 1403 E. Campbell Rd, Richardson (NE corner of Campbell Rd. and Plano Rd.).  The date is Saturday March 3, from 2:00 to 5:00 pm but come early or stay late, the food is great!  Space is limited so make an early reservation for a spot at the workshop.  The cost is $20 for DSA Members and $25 for non-members.

Or with check by mail to:
Hashbrown Workshop
Dallas Songwriters Association
Sammons Center For The Arts
3630 Harry Hines Blvd. #20
Dallas, Tx 75219


  1. Hash Brown was well received and was able to cover a lot of ground in blues styles and songwriting techniques so I think everyone got something out of it. The highlight was a blues songwriting exercise where everyone got to write a blues tune during the break and perform it with their guitars or do one they have been working on. Hash Brown did a great job of helping and critiquing the songs that were presented.

  2. Hey Michael & Everyone,
    First I want to thank you Michael for putting this together and running the workshop on Saturday. Renee and I came. Renee came as an English & Humanities professor to learn more about the blues genre even though she is not a musician. As long as I've played music and been around the blues, I came away with more usable knowledge than before. Last but not least I want to thank Hashbrown for giving us his time and knowledge of the blues genre. I have a hunch we might be hearing more blues songs at our Tuesday song submissions and critiques!! Thanks again Hashbrown and Michael for a job well done.
    Steve Sullivan
    DSA President
    2008 & 2009



Educational workshops on the craft and business of songwriting featuring industry professionals as panelist or guest speakers.